Friday 2 November 2007

Trial Division

Perhaps I should have started with this, but...
Trial division is the simplest and most naive of factorization methods.
It _is_ however, the fastest method for easily eliminating very small factors from composite inputs.
Note also, though, interestingly, that in fact it is also just about the only method capable of finding small (or indeed any) factors of really large numbers of specific algebraic form(s), because those algebraic forms can then be calculated modulo the suspected factor, keeping the required calculations small.

Also, the pseudocode immediately below is taken from a PD document by Connelly Barnes of Oregon State University

function trialDivision(N)
for s from 2 to floor(sqrt(N))
if s divides N then
return s, N/s
end if
end for
end function

Here is its Java implementation (as 'brute' - standing for 'brute force') from superfac9:

BigInteger factorizebrute(BigInteger n) {
BigInteger a = new BigInteger("2");

while (a.compareTo(TENTHOUSAND) < 0 && a.multiply(a).compareTo(n) <= 0) {
if (n.remainder(a).compareTo(ZERO) == 0)
return a;
a = a.add(ONE);

return n;

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